

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Nazis aren't going to keep themselves out of office

Nazis aren't going to keep themselves out of office

Yesterday, I voted. And, I wore the sticker (even though I hate stickers) because it’s important. I wanted my son to see that I expended effort to do my research and get to the polls. I wanted him to get engaged in the conversation with me. I got in a fight with my husband over whether we should move to New Zealand because I wanted Aidan to see that adults should engage in loud, divisive, civil discourse and definitely *not* because I was grumpy and sore-as-all-get-out from spin class. But most of all, I wanted to virtue signal.

Oh wait… That’s not what I meant to write. 

But most of all, I wanted to publicly shame friends, colleagues, and random passersby who shirked their civic duty. 

There we go. Nailed it!

Let’s be real here. Nazi’s don’t keep themselves out of office and patriarchy doesn’t smash itself.

If you didn’t vote, I want you to imagine that I’m unleashing my disappointed mom face on you right now. If you didn’t vote, I want you to know that you’re part of the problem. 

That is, unless you’re: 

  • Racist (Including “proud of being white.” Whatever the fuck that means.) 

  • Homophobic

  • Think you have the right to tell me what to do with my body

  • Want to build a stupid border wall

  • Hate the idea of having affordable medical care

  • Think that brown people deserve to be raped, murdered, and/or extorted because they’re brown. (Because that’s what we’re saying when we deny refugees quarter.)

If you think any of those things, then I thank you from staying away from the polls. Keep your terrifying vote in your head. Check out some adorable quokkas. But for the rest of you… I hope you make a better choice next time.

PS. To my friends who have posted similar things to their feeds, I applaud you. This isn’t about the blue wave. (Which I’d be all for!). I’d settle for a “decency wave.” Because, despite what I see out there in the world, I’d like to think that most people are decent.

Even as I acknowledge that our behavior on the world stage of late is anything but decent. But I digress…

I’d like to think that my decent friends know some decent people who need to be shamed into participating in our democracy and advocating for… well… basic human rights and decency. So, let’s do it. Shame the f’ out of them. Just try to keep your shaming to the decent ones though.

Dating advice for the modern world

Dating advice for the modern world

Quokka bubble bath party

Quokka bubble bath party