

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

It's Rex Manning Day!

It's Rex Manning Day!

I’m not a morning person, but it’s a fact of life that I have to get up early to properly adult and make the monies. I wish it weren’t so, but since I have yet to fully realize my potential as whimsical artist who rises at the crack of noon to writes the things, I regularly expend effort lamenting global teams and early starts scheduled in the name of collaboration.

To be precise, I spend a solid 10 minutes every night examining my schedule for the next morning and deciding which type of groan or sigh is the most appropriate accompaniment to setting my alarm. Because I had to be in the city (because there is only one city) by 7:30 this morning to play the supportive team member, the groan I let out while setting my 5:45 alarm was exceptionally long. It went something like this, "GrooooOOOOOOOaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn……” It had all of the vowels.

Perhaps some of you would snooze that alarm, but I have a strict no snooze policy in my life and I’m gonna come out strong on this one and say that I openly judge snooze bar people. Snoozing is useless effort that does nothing to actually extend the amount of sleep you get. All it does is make you groggy and late. /story

Snoozing = pain

Snoozing = pain

Because I didn’t snooze, I wasn’t groggy or late. And because I left the house at an ungodly hour, I was also able to put my vroom into sport mode and open. it. up. It’s a beautiful thing to crest that hill near the 280/92 interchange and be treated to the beauty of a dusky rose sky over a valley that screams 19th century manifest destiny pastoral landscape. Yeah, like that. F’ing beautiful, man.

And you know why I’m not super angsty even though it’s mid-morning and I’m already tired? Because it’s Rex Manning Day! Okay, not really. That was a few weeks ago. But today carries with it the spirit and intention that was captured in the Rex Manning day (from the seminal film Empire Records). Chris is coming. Chris is coming. I haven’t seen my beloved Chris in years and, did I mention he’s coming?

Gizoogle tells me what Rex Manning day REALLY is

Gizoogle tells me what Rex Manning day REALLY is

OMG... this is so good. 

OMG... this is so good. 

So yeah. My projects and raison d’être at work might have been totally nuked yesterday… and I might be losing my mind with trying to figure out how I’m going to pivot without totally losing professional credibility…. and I might be totally sleep deprived because I didn’t hit the required nine hours of sleep last night… and I might have bad hair under this totally cute hat, but I also have the spirit of Rex Manning in my blood. 

Me looking at the 5:45 wake up time

Me looking at the 5:45 wake up time


One cannot be sad on Rex Manning Day. And while it’s not April 8th anymore, I’m taking that spirit and channeling positive intentions for awesome cocktails and laughs with my lifelong friends in t-8 hours 

The worst weight loss plan ever

The worst weight loss plan ever