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Books of May

Books of May

It has occurred to me over the years that May is a damn fine month for book releases. Not being in the biz, I have nothing to back up my statement... but if my book calendar (what, you don't keep one?) is any indication, May is where it's at for "whisk me away" fantasy fiction.

While I prepare myself mentally for the new stuff to drop, I'm rereading one of my favorite YA trilogies, The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare. I wasn't much for her six book modern take on the Shadowhunter universe, The Mortal Instruments. It was what I'd classify as "aight" with that half-and-half hand gesture that I can't seem to describe accurately right now. But the three-book Infernal Devices is a much better offering. It’s earlier in the Shadowhunter timeline, and while it has the same mythology and even some of the same characters, it somehow manages to be better. Yes, I'm a sucker for anything that happens under the hazy gas lamps of Victorian London, but when I think seriously about why this branch of the Shadowhunter mythos is superior, it all comes down to the main characters being more compelling. As an adventure story it's entertaining, but as a study of complex interpersonal relationships, longing, responsibility, and honor, it’s absolutely gut-twisting in all of the best possible ways. Plus, since most of the fight scenes involve sharp instruments, the author is able to sprinkle a word that I enjoy--ichor--all over the place.

{Insert alternating feelings of intense disappointment in and swooning at Will Herondale here}


Meanwhile, I've been waiting neigh on six months for two books to come out.

The first book worth mention is the second installment in the little-known (at at the very least, little talked about) Swords and Fire series by Melissa Caruso. Besides having bad ass cover art, The Tethered Mage also featured a badass duo of heroines who have been linked together forever by an accident in an alley. One is the reluctant heir to an empire and the other is heir to nothing, except a power that she's used once or twice to burn people alive. Working with a military officer that has an intriguing secret about his background, I can’t wait to jump into The Defiant Heir, where they'll be looking to head off a war that begun in book one with drawing room intrigue, an asshole who could torture people with his mind, and a kidnapping plot. The sequel promises justice to evil fuckers with delusions of grandeur, more shit getting set on fire, and some answers to why Marcello is so cagey about his family.


This book is currently sitting on an occasional table in my living room. It's not mocking me... it's sitting there looking delectable and it's a pleasure to know it's at my fingertips. Anticipation and all of that. 

Also, GUYS!!!! The second book in the Caraval series is out at the end of the month. May 29th, as a matter of fact. If you loved the Night Circus (and the unofficial Krissy bookclub braintrust does) you will love this universe. Caraval was all about an invitation to a game... but it was not a game. Carval is an immersive experience filled with all of the wonder and intrigue and well-worn stone bridges over freaking canals that you can handle, and it's all yours because you have an invite. No matter that you're not supposed to be there. No matter that you're in the game and that weird shit is happening. In book one you're spellbound and you're maybe falling in love AND YOU HAVE TO FIND YOUR SISTER.


Did I mention that? Your sister was missing... and you had five days to find her. And now? Let's just say, the first time around I got caught up in this world super hard. So hard, in fact, that I did nothing else for 24 hours. I have it on good report that Kristina also shirked all adult responsibility, so it's confirmed that this book will ruin your to-do list and blow out your meeting schedule. Oh, and Sarah tells me the Audible version featured some very sexy voices. I'd consider all of this an excellent foundation with which to wait like those middle-aged ladies in that Mervyn's commercial from the nineties. 

Open... open... open....

Open... open... open....

And now? Shit. In book the second there are debts to be paid. There are secrets that need to be exposed. And goddamned it if there isn't some more witty banter! (I'm assured there will be.)

So yeah, it's a good month for books. And when it's a good month for books, it's a good month period. Good day!

Things I've typed in the last 7 hours

Things I've typed in the last 7 hours

Sentient living spaces

Sentient living spaces