

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Too many?

Too many?

I might have pre-ordered a few books yesterday... Just, um... a few. Or six. And I was upset because I wasn't able to pre-order another one that's due out in August.


Phil knows better than to comment on book purchases, even when the notifications are annoyingly blowing up his phone.

I just want to call out that none of these books have highly questionable names. (That's the best, you know. Buying romance novels when he's out with his boyfriends and hoping that an embarrassingly titled book title shows up on his lock screen.) 

But also, don't say it. I know.

The first step is to admit that I have a problem. (Not to cut a hole in the box.)

The second step is to give you a list of 10 people with worse book hoarding habits than me. #squadgoals

Step three is to acknowledge that being a book hoarder leads to interesting interior decorating ideas... like building furniture out of books or something. Which sounds like a great idea, so maybe I should go buy more books. In London even! Because I leave on Saturday!

London post-mortem: part one

London post-mortem: part one

Pre-London, Post-Panisse

Pre-London, Post-Panisse