

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Happy Quokkaversary

Happy Quokkaversary

It’s very hard to use a trackpad when your hands are clammy. Mine are right now, and I thought you should know that I might have to resort to using an actual mouse. A sad state of affairs, I know. But that’s not why I”m taking to the keyboard today.


No, friends. Today I take to the keyboard with my clammy, cold hands to remind you of what Sarah reminded me. That this week marks our second quokka-versary!

So, don’t forget to dust your adorable crocheted and/or stuffed marsupials. If you’re feeling extra fancy, give them a bubble bath. I hear they like those. But at the very least, mark the occasion by raising quokka awareness—preferably by using the word in a sentence that makes it sound like you’re talking about something totally not marsupial-related.

Have a happy, long weekend, folks!

Quiet test

Imposters gotta 'poster

Imposters gotta 'poster