

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Today I did some good shit

Today I did some good shit

Yes, I worked. I had some very nice discussions and made some very nice plans for the year. OKRs were mentioned, so you know it was all very impactful and important.

I drank some very nice tea in a new teapot. The tea was loose-leafed, and I warmed the new bone china like a good girl who reads instructions and doesn't destroy the nice things that people have thoughtfully given her. Sometimes.

I poured some tea out for my poor, sad pomelo tree that was knocked over last night in the biblical storm that rocked San Jose overnight.

Also, I wrote two short chapters for a new project just now. I let there be typos in my drafts. I had to. My new clickety-clack is made for speed and getting words from my brain into digital pages. It is not made for editing. NO MOUSE. It's a typewriter that clicks and clacks and connects to the cloud and is supposed to let me get out of my own head long enough to get out of my own damned perfectionist way.

I liked today. I hope to have another today tomorrow.

Being a writer

Being a writer

Merry Christmas Eve