

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

This gift is not for you. Except, it totally is.

This gift is not for you. Except, it totally is.

Some of my best blog posts are born from odd gifts. While I don’t want to get your hopes up about the awesomeness of this post, I do want to report that my neighbor has done a thing that made me laugh and deserves to be shared.

It was also super thoughtful like she is. But I don’t generally bother to blog about thoughtful things unless they’re also funny. Luckily for me, she’s right in the middle of the Venn diagram with this one. Otherwise, I’d be contractually obligated to introduce a fake guest writer with manners or announce that I’ve had a personality transplant.

Having material literally delivered to my doorstep also saved you, gentle reader, from more terrible haikus. You’re welcome.

Anyway, two things made this totally lovely and unsolicited gift so fantastic and blog-worthy. I added a third “kinda good thing” because I thought an ordered list would be a nice way to break up this wall of text, and I can’t bring myself to create an ordered list with only two items. I’ll let you guess which of these three things was the most AWESOME in the comments.

Clearly, I needed to dip into the snacks before deciding to take a picture of said snacks. Don’t judge me for wanting these pistachios in my mouth ASAP.

  1. A nice selection of things I’d like to stress eat under a comforter. Specifically, two kinds of bad-for-you salt and vinegar snacks.

  2. Four cans of champagne to wash down my self-loathing and snacks.

  3. Two trashy magazines and another featuring people on the cover who are too excited to play Pickleball.

But honestly, the best part about this gift? It’s in a gift bag that was not purchased for me. So, not purchased for me that she had to write, “No.” at the top. This extends a proud tradition that began three years ago with a welcome gift with someone else’s name written on the front. And several other exchanges of that same bag, with bigger sharpie comments and bigger strikethroughs.

I love you, Angie. Thanks for the snacks and the friendship. But most of all, thanks for being my kind of weird.

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