

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Freeloading electric eels

Freeloading electric eels

This morning I worked like a normal person and I thought that things were going pretty well... until I made a bad decision. I decided that it'd be a good idea to try a croissant. I ate three bites and then I wrote Sarah about it.

*Eating the croissant was the bad part, not writing Sarah. This time.*

She didn't even use the eye roll emoji.

She didn't even use the eye roll emoji.

People who want to have useful friends should note that Sarah showed the appropriate level of outrage at the nerve of my germs. This is awesome and a measure that we should all use when judging our friends.

Several hours later and I suspect the electric eels are fighting. Or multiplying. I'm not sure, but it sucks. What I can report with certainty is that they are still not charging any devices or making themselves useful.

Thank god for Door Dash, because despite not being dead, I don't think I could make myself produce things in the kitchen for my kid-spawn right now. I've heard that most children like food, and my darling child (who somehow managed to be spared the plague and, to my knowledge, doesn't have an evil infestation of freeloading sea creatures reeking havoc on his digestive system) probably some to make it through the weekend. 

He insisted on ordering sushi because, in his words, "he wants to be healthy." WHATEVER YOU WANT, AS LONG AS I DON'T HAVE TO MAKE IT. 

Yay technology! Boo for stomachs that refuse to play nicely and digest delightful french breakfast pastries LIKE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO.

Sigh. This will be over tomorrow, right?

Unfulfilled promises

Unfulfilled promises

The worst weight loss plan ever

The worst weight loss plan ever