

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Girl... you got what I need....

Girl... you got what I need....

A friend posted this on instagram today.

We all have “issues” because we all have a story. And no matter how much work you’ve done on yourself, we all snap back sometimes. So be easy on you. Growth is a dance. Not a light switch.

She doesn’t know it, but all week she’s been posting what I need to hear.

(Actually, I take it back. She knows that I’ve been needing these affirmations because I told her… but since she didn’t know I needed these at the time of posting them, that’s neither here nor there.)

This is my journey. Totally. Too bad it’s so hard to take good advice!

The novice’s guide to writing a shitty memoir

The novice’s guide to writing a shitty memoir

