

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Rest in banana

Rest in banana

It’s been awhile since I’ve given a “weird shit I’ve seen on Caltrain” update, so here’s a flash back to a few weeks ago when I had the pleasure of gazing upon this cotton masterpiece for the better part of an hour.

I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s pretty much the best shirt ever created by god or man. (And if you don’t agree, we’re not friends anymore.) It’s wearable art and it inspired me in a way that only Sasquatch/American flag mashups have managed in the past. RIB is a masterpiece of cotton, blowing my mind with its juxtaposition of mysterious acronyms, 8th grade poetry, questionable line art, and fruit being repurposed as vehicles for eternal rest.

Ebenin’ ladies….

Ebenin’ ladies….

Of course, I had questions… and so did my friends.

RIB 1.png
RIB 2.png

Indeed. Who knows?

Sadly, homey with the RIB shirt got off at the Redwood City stop before I can ask him, so we’ll never find out.

One of life’s great mysteries.

Writing a bio is painful

Writing a bio is painful

You Only Love Twice

You Only Love Twice